Through practicing deep body listening, we can SIMULTANEOUSLY feel more human and god like, while humbly being at the mercy of the chaos around us.
“Die Without Death”
“Tri Hita Karana”
“Seeing with the Body”
“Resettling in the Void”
“The Art of Allowing"
“God on the Inside”
Energy. The more you listen. The more you feel. the more you see.
“Bright Like the Sun”
“Moon Offering”
“Body Thoughts”
“Waves of Love”
When we are in tune with our bodies, we can cultivate a strong awareness of all that is around us and all that is within us.
“Fire of Desire”
“Hati Hati”
“The Lessons in the Pain”
“She Leads With Her Dance”
“Resting the Mind”
Letting energy flow by listening to what the body has to say, will allow a deepening of knowledge into areas long forgotten. Feel the hard bits until they become soft.